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Export all Learner ILC Session Enrollments

It would be ideal if our customer's LMS Admins had the option to export all learner ILC enrollments so they can quickly identify who's scheduled for training, when they are scheduled, and the times they are scheduled for. Today, you can only view ...
about 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Enhance search analytics report (add user information)

As an Admin, I want to be able to use the search analytics report to portion out the searches performed by Internal and External users. By adding the username, department, the search analytics report would provide more beneficial data.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Resources - no attachment required

Right now, resources are required to have an attachment, either a PDF or URL link. I'd like that field to NOT be mandatory. I'd like to be able to provide supplemental info there without needed a link.
over 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Course Approval for E-commerce Purchases

Currently course approvals do not work for e-commerce items. For example, we have a course bundle that one of our hospitals would like to offer at a certain price to their employees. However, when they purchase the bundle with the coupon code, the...
over 2 years ago in eCommerce 1 Reviewed

LinkedIn Learning Integration

I would love to see a "language" filter in the content library. This would make it easier for admins to sort and import content by language vs. relying on the naked eye to sort through over 20,000 courses. LinkedIn does provide an excel sheet of a...
about 2 years ago in Integration 1 Currently Available

Observation Checklist Colors on Completed Tasks

In the Reviewer Experience - Can we make the completed tasks on Observation Checklists marked with a green checkmark. I know the colors are based on the company's theme colors, but it makes for a confusing Reviewer Experience the way it is now.
about 3 years ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Reviewed

global resources - template customization

Currently, when you add a 'global resources' tile to a template, you are able to customize the name on the tile, allowing you to create several different resources tiles to differentiate between resource categories. However, once you click on the ...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Custom Rating Scales on Observation Checklist

Observation Checklists have a lot of potential for audits, training, etc. However, there is a baked in 5 point scale. This should be customizable. Many companies already have their processes set for these practices. Groups are not going to start u...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Reviewed

Clarify/Allow Customization of the Multi-Seat Purchase Checkout Page

When purchasing multiple seats through e-commerce, the checkout process will take you to a page where you are asked to either Login or Continue without logging in. In order to purchase multiple seats, you cannot Login and must select Continue, how...
about 1 year ago in eCommerce 0 Unreviewed

We need an easier way assign courses to a group of employees

We have specific courses that we want to assign to many employees and we would like to be able to provide an Excel or CSV file with a list of the employees so that this list could then be used to assign the employees to the course. Today we have t...
about 1 year ago in Online Courses 1 Unreviewed