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Custom Rating Scales on Observation Checklist

Observation Checklists have a lot of potential for audits, training, etc. However, there is a baked in 5 point scale. This should be customizable. Many companies already have their processes set for these practices. Groups are not going to start using them in the LMS unless the LMS can work within the already defined systems in the company. If we could edit these scales, more departments would look to use the LMS for these practices.

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    • Guest
      Jun 17, 2022

      Thank you Pamela, Really appreciate adding these comments and understand you're not waiting for ideas to start work, there is alot on the go already.

      I am curious though, if there is a way to answer it. How in a case like this, volume use would drive the decision to iterate if the current state might be why volume is low. For example, we have two commenters here that are NOT using it because of the current state and would use it as an iterated future state.

    • Admin
      Pamela Easterbrook
      Jun 17, 2022

      Hi everyone,

      As a product team this is absolutely something we would like to implement for this feature. As a business, we have a lot of priorities for development that we have to weigh against how many clients are using a feature at a given time.

      We believe this is a highly valuable feature and we agree that the addition you requested is valuable too but we currently have other items with higher client use cases that we have to build instead of this.

      Having said that, as use of this feature grows, and we reduce the need to add iterative development in other areas, this is absolutely something we would like to implement.


    • Guest
      Jun 16, 2022

      100% this should be a priority. Conventional best practice might say a 5 point scale is not a good choice as it leaves the middle ground (3) and we have adopted this practice. Therefore cannot use the SCALE rating in Absorb's Obs Checklist.