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Automatically complete attendance for instructor-led course based on Microsoft Teams attendance

It would be great if Absorb could talk to meeting hosting platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom to know which users enrolled in a course actually attended the course. I have used other LMS platforms where within 24 hours of the instructor-led...
almost 3 years ago in Integration / Reporting 5 Currently Available

Observation Checklists: Option to Automatically Set Enrolled Learners as "Ready"

Problem Statement: When a learner is enrolled into a curriculum that has an observation checklist (i.e. you set a post-enrollment rule to auto-enroll learners into all courses/checklists within the curriculum), these learners will show in the Revi...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Observation Checklists - Allow Learner to Upload Files to be Assessed

We would love to take advantage of the observation checklist feature more, but much of our workforce is distributed geographically and a live observation isn't always feasible. We'd like to have learners be able to submit files (video, photos, aud...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience / Reporting 1 Under Consideration

add the CourseEnrollmentId column header to the GET api/Rest/v1/SessionSchedules endpoint

We are requesting to add the CourseEnrollmentId column header to the GET api/Rest/v1/SessionSchedules endpoint (GET api/Rest/v1/SessionSchedules ( We are currently pulling in the SessionSchedules endpoint but the whole purpose of th...
almost 3 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 0

Session Enrolment Emails

It would be useful to be able to send different session enrolment emails. We have a group of online instructor-led sessions, we want the url of each session to appear within the message text of the enrolment email. Currently the message text and s...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 1

Integration with zoom

When more than one (zoom-) instructor is added as an instructor on a e.g, ILC then one of them are defined as Host. Suggestion: Specify which one of the added Instructors who is the Host, and ensure that the other instructors automatically will be...
almost 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Integration / Zoom 1 Reviewed

Separating out ecommerce and free registration

Currently, users have to go through the same "Checkout" process to enroll in free webinars, courses, etc as if they are purchasing the course. It would be nice that if the user is logged into their account they can just click on Enroll and it auto...
almost 3 years ago in eCommerce / Learner Experience 1 Under Consideration

Customizable Dashboard

It would be great to be able to customize the section headers within the dashboard. Rather than having just Featured Courses, Trending Courses, Course Catalog, etc. we could update those however we want to organize our course content to display fo...
almost 3 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Reviewed

Integration with Fountain ATS

Fountain is a high volume recruiting platform that is an applicant tracking system. By integrating candidate assessments via Fountain into Absorb, companies can create unique and personalized training regimes based on what the candidate already kn...
almost 3 years ago in Integration 0

ADP Sync shouldn't undo Admin permissions that are manually set

Being able to auto set admin roles like Instructor through ADP is great. We have certain departments where that role applies to all. However, in doing so, if I manually set someone in another department to Instructor, ADP will undo my manual setti...
almost 3 years ago in ADP / Integration 1 Reviewed