Currently we have a large number of users on leave of absence and when they go out their user account is marked as inactive due to our integration with the HR system. These users generally come back after a period of time and currently if they are...
Currently when adding post enrollment rules to a curriculum you are limited to seeing 20 courses listed in the data entry window. We would like to request:
1. Expansion of this listing to unlimited or and upgrade to a better visual UI that would ...
When viewing session details, it would be really useful if the list could return in date & year order. Currently the dates are all over the place! I appreciate the 'date filter' can be used, but even then the dates don't show in the correct or...
almost 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
Include Observation Checklist Reviews in Manager Experience
It would be awesome if we could allow managers to complete the review process for observation checklists in the Manager Experience instead of having to navigate to the Reviewer Experience. We often have managers set to be the reviewers.
We would like the ability to edit the permissions for custom roles (ex. Admin) or at least have the ability to rename the custom roles (ex. if the default Admin role isn't what we need, we create a custom role but want to rename the default one so...
Can there be an option for instructors and enrollees to confirm that they received the meeting invite via Absorb? I facilitate a 4-day orientation that has 24 presenters/instructors. Outlook's rsvp's functionality is faulty (If you "Accept" but do...
over 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
Hide Inactive Courses from Course Enrollment Forms
When enrolling users into courses in the Admin Experience, only active courses should be displayed since an enrollment into an inactive course will not be visible to the learner
over 3 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
With more admin users on Absorb, I've noticed more accidental updates to individual lessons or modules. It would be great to have an undo or revert-to-version feature in the history, similar to Google Docs.