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New Resume Tile icon format doesn't match the other tiles

After Next Gen LE phase 1 was released on 7/24/22, the resume tile looks completely different than all of the other tiles.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 16 Reviewed

Add "Late" option when marking attendance

It would be useful to be able to designate if someone was late or only attended a part of an ILC training. Currently I can only mark them as attended or not attended, btu I may want to note they missed an hour of a training or were only there part...
3 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Filter Course Activity by Time Spent

It's possible that this is just an oversight by the dev team, but there is currently no way to filter course activity by the Time Spend (Min) field.
3 months ago in Reporting 1 Reviewed

Ability for to create multiple tasks in one checklist

It would be helpful to be able to have a checklist like the Observation Checklist that would allow you to create several tasks, but would allow the employee to check them off rather than the reviewer. To be able to do that now, I have to create in...
3 months ago in Task Lessons 0

Calculate Course Duration Automatically

Auto-calculate course duration and populate the info within Course Settings. This would be a sum of all of the "Add time to slide" values from all of the slides within the course. This value could then be adjusted as needed.
over 3 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Bulk Actions for Delete, Categorize, and Move to Workspace

When clients reach 100s of courses, and dozens of workspaces, the ability to complete bulk actions in the workspace will be necessary to reduce the cognitive load of keep a large amount of content organized. As clients using Create LI cope with ev...
almost 2 years ago in Create 5 Low Probability of Delivery

Ability to edit the Submit button

When it comes to creating a course and adding a question to a slide, I would like to be able to edit the standard Submit button. I am creating both English and French modules through branching and my only option is to have the submit button displa...
10 months ago in Create 0

Leaderboards for Bundles/Curriculums

It would be great if we can have leaderboards for Bundles/Curriculums that we have put together to encourage competition and completion for a particular initiative that we've created.
over 3 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 8 Reviewed

Add Mandatory Overdue/Incomplete button to Manager Experience to display employee listing.

Today, managers are unable to easily see which mandatory trainings are incomplete or overdue for their employees which is a requirement for their performance reviews. If they had a button on the manager dashboard that listed any employees who had ...
5 months ago in Manager Experience 0

Send Assessment Results to Learners

In order to review an assessment with learners, they need to see how they answered the questions and whether those answers were incorrect. There is no way to send an individual answer report (answered, correct/incorrect, etc) to the learner and th...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience / Reporting 4 Reviewed