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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-3831 Post Enrollment Rule Window - Curriculums.

Unable to view all courses selected for Post Enrollment

We always add Post Enrollment rules for our curriculums so that upon enrollment in a curriculum the learners transcript will show the courses the learner is enrolled in. If we didn't use Post Enrollments upon enrollment in the curriculum the learner transcript wouldn't show courses the learner needs to complete until the Learner first enrolls themselves and it's just odd that the learner needs to click Enroll on a course that they should already be enrolled in via the curriculum enrollment.

The issue I'm having is that the number of courses we include in a curriculum exceeds what will display in the Courses (Required) box (see attached screenshot). Is there a way to display all selected courses so that we can easily verify what courses are included? As it is now I've had to delete all post enrollments and start from scratch to ensure the list is current. My newly identified work around is to create multiple Post Enrollment rules, only selecting a few courses for each block.

  • Guest
    Jul 3, 2024

    Agreed! It's time consuming to scroll through the entire list of courses to make sure the right boxes have been checked for desired Post Enrollments. A total number would be helpful in the meantime, but visibility of all Post Enrollments is preferred. Another helpful feature would be to include all courses in a given curriculum in bulk as post enrollment (a single check box to "include all courses Yes/No" or something similar), to avoid the inconvenience identified by the original poster.

  • Guest
    Jul 3, 2024

    As another add to thie original posters Idea. A post enrollment counter would be great so we could at least match the number of courses we have in curriculum to the number of courses we have poste enrollment rules for.

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