Working in a company that has offices globally it would be better if the international date format of dd-mmm-yyyy was available to ensure there is no ambiguity over the date a training is due or was completed, for example 04/12/2022 could be 04 Dec or 12 Apr depending on what format a user thinks the training is in (mm/dd/yyyy vs dd/mm/yyyy).
The option to use international date format would be benefice to all users.
I am based in Clinical Research industry.
Impact of the change would be clear information for all users and reviewers and would not require excel reports to be formatted to dd-mmm-yyyy format.
I would also like to add support for being able to change your date format, on a company by company preference. We are a UK company, we want to be able to view dates on the platform as DD-MM-YYYY
We are going to change this low probability of delivery. We had misunderstood the ask here, this is not currently available and current roadmap commitments are not aligned to development in this area.
We apologize for getting peoples hopes up. Please continue to vote on this idea if it is important to you and if we look at improvements to our date and time stamp functionality we will make sure to come back and look at this idea.
Thank you for sharing your idea with us! We’re excited to let you know that your suggestion has been implemented and is now live on our platform.
This enhancement is available for administrators to set. If you're not an administrator, you can ask one to make the update, but here’s a screenshot that shows you how to update it. The admin can adjust the time zone to one that is more relevant to the company, but learners can also change it to their personal time zone.
Please refer to the screenshot below for more details.
Your input was instrumental in making this happen, and we truly appreciate your contribution. If you have any questions about the feature or further suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Thanks for the feedback, unfortunately there is no option of dd-mmm-yyyy in the portal settings.
Thanks however, unless it is only an issue in the trial portal (Sandbox) we don't see this as an option.
I thought this was possible already.
Go to admin, portal settings (on the right hand side), defaults (I believe the 6th tab on top)
Then scroll down and you can change date settings.