It would be great if we could get one centralised location that could house Online Courses and Global Resource content in one place.
We have material in both locations (Courses & Global Resources) for the same subject and currently have learners having to go to both locations depending upon the material they are looking to access.
The reason we are using Global Resources to house material is because we don't want the learner to feel that the content is a course as they would have to enrol themselves into the material if it was held within courses rather than resources.
From an accessibility point of view, having a centralised location will enable our material to become more accessible with less user clicks required to navigate to the material.
Thank you for sharing your idea with us, we truly appreciate the time and thought you’ve put into it.
After careful consideration, we’re unable to prioritize this suggestion at this time. While we recognize its value, our current roadmap commitments and resource constraints prevent us from pursuing it in the near future.
That said, your idea remains in our repository, and we’ll revisit it as we continue evaluating improvements to online courses and global resources, including the ability to have both materials on the same page.
Your feedback is essential in shaping our platform, and we’re grateful for your contributions. Thank you!