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Third Party Lessons

Showing 15

Adopt cmi5 as a compatible protocol for Online Course Content

cmi5 is the latest xAPI profile that 'bridges the gap' between SCORM and xAPI, the comprehensive list of benefits is listed here: but it is already being offered as an export type in Articulate 360 so adoption with Absorb wo...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Online Courses / Third Party Lessons 5 Reviewed

Shared Lesson Completion

If a lesson is shared between multiple courses, when a user completes that lesson in one course, it should be marked as complete in the other courses as well. Since the lesson is shared and the content is the same, users shouldn't need to redo the...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience / Online Courses / Reporting / Third Party Lessons 2

Add toggle for allowing manager enrollment when importing courses from a content library.

We recently purchased a content library, and intend to have managers and learners discuss what course(s) might be most appropriate for the employee's growth path. Currently, when converting the content to courses, we have the option to configure b...
over 1 year ago in Content / Third Party Lessons 3 Under Consideration

Make the Lesson Details tab optional or ensure that completion score is accurately tracked for 3rd party courses

When you add a lesson to a course using 3rd party software (e.g. Articulate, Captivate, etc) and you have "Lesson Contains Assessment" toggled OFF, the Lesson Details tab in the course player continues to show "Score 0%" and "Remaining Attempts" f...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience / Third Party Lessons 3

Replacing an Existing Course Package: Move "Replace an Existing E-Lesson" to a more intuitive location (currently in "Add Learning Object" > "SCORM")

Problem Statement: When you are updating a learning object-level course package for an online course, you must do the following: Select Edit on the online course. Navigate to the "Outline" section. Select "Add Learning Object" (??) Select "SCORM 2...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Third Party Lessons 4 Low Probability of Delivery

Disable "Lesson contains assessment" when importing courses

We have figured out, that whenever we import courses e.g. in SCORM format, the online course is automatically enabling the "lesson contains assessment" option. This is misleading since it does just enable it, no matter if the import contains an as...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Third Party Lessons 3 Low Probability of Delivery

System timeout associated with SCORM/external training

We currently have OSHA courses that must be completed via an external vendor site per OSHA regulations. This is a SCORM package that sits in Absorb and sends the user elsewhere, making them look idle in Absorb. If we turn our security settings on ...
11 months ago in Third Party Lessons 0

Ability for admins to bulk reset suspend data after replacing a third-party lesson

Background/context : As learners progress through a third-party course, that progress is tracked via "suspend data" which acts as a sort of bookmarking. This allows learners to pick up where they left off when resuming a lesson. Issue : Sometimes ...
12 months ago in Online Courses / Third Party Lessons 0

Decommissioning Courses once inactive in GO1 or other source library

We have run into an issue where certain courses are retired but still active within Absorb. We had a meeting with the content provider GO1, and the reason for these courses being active still is because there is not a decommissioning webhook setup...
over 1 year ago in Content / Integration / Third Party Lessons 2 Currently Available

Ability to report on SCORM Objectives and Tin Can (xAPI) text based responses

I would like to be able to include SCORM Objectives in reports. Likewise I would like to be able to include xAPI user responses in reports. I mean the text string of their responses, not the value of their responses.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting / Third Party Lessons 1