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Course Uploads

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Alert admin when toggling off course uploads

I recently learned that once you enable course uploads and have someone upload a document, (if you, like us, are barely out of the onboarding stage and still figuring out how you need the courses to work) when you toggle course uploads to off, it ...
15 days ago in Course Uploads / Online Courses 1 Gathering Interest

Add supervisor as a field to the Course Uploads report

Currently in the Course Uploads report, supervisor is not a column/field that can be added to the report. This would be extremely helpful. As an administrator, there is a common use case where I want to add accountability procedures when it comes ...
about 1 month ago in Course Uploads / Reporting 0 Gathering Interest

Easier Way to Download Course Uploads

There needs to be a much easier way for admins to download a course upload file. In most instances we need to know that a user has uploaded a document AND see what the document is. There should be an option from the Course Uploads report to easily...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Course Uploads 7 Gathering Interest

Can we add a "Resubmission Required" option to course uploads - in the manage course upload section?

Can we add a "Resubmission Required" option to course uploads - in the manage course upload section? Currently, reviewers/admins can only mark uploads as "Pass" or "Fail." It would be beneficial to introduce a "Resubmission Required" status, allow...
about 2 months ago in Course Uploads / Online Courses 0 Gathering Interest