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My ideas: Learner Experience

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Include direct link to course in course enrolment email

Problem: As a learner, when I am enrolled in a course, I receive an email telling me which course I have been enrolled in. This includes a link to Absorb. However, I need to navigate myself to 'My Courses' and find the correct course. This is time...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 4 Currently Available

Make Curricula portions optional

We have curricula with mandatory courses for employees and would like to be able to include optional courses that employees are not required to complete but are available as part of a series.
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Currently Available

New Learner Experience Lesson Player – make full screen the default mode

For accessibility reasons, it makes the most sense to have the lesson player launch in full screen mode by default, while having the option to minimize the player. When the course is in the minimized version, it can be difficult to read the text w...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 11 Currently Available

Customizable ribbons

It would be great if we had more options to customize ribbons on the private dashboard, such as linking a category of courses to a ribbon instead of the whole catalog, or showing different categories to different groups of users, for example by la...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 19 Currently Available

Estimated time to complete - remove minimum and have the actual average time calculated

The Estimated Time to Complete appears at a minimum of 15 minutes. This means that any course which is calculated as taking less than 15 minutes (and shows as such on the admin side) will still show 15 minutes on the learner side. This seems an od...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 5 Currently Available

Estimated Time to Complete display in Curriculum view

Would be great if when a user is viewing a curriculum, the system displays estimated time to completed for the individual courses. This way users could choose which courses they want to complete depending on their available time at that specific m...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Currently Available

Add ability to "suggest" course or curricula without requiring it

Having the ability to suggest content to users based upon their role, versus merely placing on the "featured courses" tiles or requiring that the user take the content would be advantageous in driving exploration of content.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience / Machine Learning 1 Currently Available

Option to remove the "Catalogue" heading from front page

There currently isn't an option to remove the Catalogue heading on the homepage - would love to be able to change or remove it.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Currently Available

Welcome Tile - message only?

I like the Welcome Tile, but it takes up way too much vertical space. I would like to have an option to only display the message itself on a colored background.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 6 Currently Available

Add Blacklist Email Address

I would like to have a rule that stops personal emails from being used. For example no emails ending in ""/
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 1 Currently Available