When troubleshooting email delivery or simply verifying which emails were sent from Absorb, to whom, and when, there's no direct way to view this. Impersonating the learner and looking at their Messages will give an idea, but does not allow for tr...
Currently, in order to know if an enrollment was done by a system rule, an admin or a learner, admins have to check each learner's user enrollments report. I would love if this could be added as an option to the standard reports, such as the Learn...
Add Credit type as filter option in Courses report
We have several kinds of credit (and love that option!), but would like to be able to filter by that in the Courses report so we can see and easily report on all the courses with a particular kind of credit.
Show Instructor Name(s) on Report Rather than Multiple
We use the ILC Sessions report quite a bit and it will only show an instructor name on that report if there is ONLY ONE instructor chosen. We have several instructors assigned to each session and the report only shows the word MULTIPLE. Is there a...
Add Multi-Course Reporting for Course Evaluation Reports
Can you please add multi-course reporting to the Course Evaluation reports, like you did with the other course reports? Sometimes I have a curriculum with multiple courses included, and while I know I can add the evaluation to the entire curriculu...
If a lesson is shared between multiple courses, when a user completes that lesson in one course, it should be marked as complete in the other courses as well. Since the lesson is shared and the content is the same, users shouldn't need to redo the...
When our learners complete the online portion of training, they require approval from their manager to attend the ILC portion. Before the LMS, the manager filled out a form and emailed it to the course admin. To automate the process, we switched t...
Limit a scheduled report to step generating after so many occurances
I would like to be able to have some of my reports only send for a few months and then stop sending. Most of our use cases are for external users, so the reports become irrelevant after a few months. The only work around I have found for this is t...
Date Equals Filter should include option to enter a date
Currently you can only choose "After, Before, Between, Equals" Equals only allows you choose "Today, This Month, This Quarter, This Year, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, Last Quarter, Last Year" , There should be an option to enter an exact date.
We'd like to have the ability to see which admin approved external training. I was hoping for a column to add that would say "approved by" or something, but there isn't one. We'd like the ability to know in case something was approved incorrectly.