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Course Activity Enrollment Method should show Enrollment Key

When a user uses an enrollment key to enroll in a curriculum or course, "Enrollment Key" should appear as the Enrollment method in the Course Activity report, not "Self". There should also be a field to show which enrollment key was used directly ...
2 months ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Changing Ownership of Saved Reports

It should be possible to change the ownership of a saved report from one user to another to reduce the overhead required in recreating and reconfiguring schedules for reports when personnel turns over
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Add evaluation results to analyze essential reporting.

Our organization purchased the Analyze Essential reporting to achieve a report to our customer, but it is still not capable of providing the evaluation results needed per sessions. This is essential for our organization, and we do not want to have...
10 months ago in Analyze Essentials 2 Reviewed

Visibility to how users are taking courses

It would be great to have an option to be able to see how users are completing courses (ie, desktop, app, mobile web browser). We have no way to see how users are completing courses and the effectiveness of the content between the different platfo...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Reviewed

Add Location Field (and custom fields) to the Course Summary Report

Hi, Is it possible to have the Location field (and custom fields) available on the Course Summary report? Thanks,Rick
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Currently Available

Ability to see which courses have auto-enrollment rules enabled at the reporting level.

We would like to be able to see which courses have auto-enrollment rules enabled at the reporting level. Right now courses with auto-enrollment rules enabled still show a grayed icon instead of being highlighted. If we needed to run an audit repor...
9 months ago in Reporting 1 Unreviewed

stop sending 2 instructor email notifications

When you create an ILC and assign an instructor, two parts of the "instructor" email template go out. The instructor notification section (which I understand and want) and the Course Update for Instructors goes out (why? The course wasn't updated,...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 9 Reviewed

Separate the "Enrollments" Role Permission

I think that the "Enrollments" permission should be separated to have the option to allow an admin to enroll, re-enroll, and/or un-enroll users. Currently, the permission has a "View", "Enroll Anyone", and "Modify" option. The "Modify" option allo...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 11 Low Probability of Delivery

Report for most popular courses

It would be great to be able to report on which courses are the most popular among self-enrollment courses. And even better if we can drill down by learner demographics. We would leverage this data to curate more of those courses or topics to meet...
about 2 months ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Add the certificate expiry date to the course activity report

We've recently changed all our courses over to certificate expiry 2 years from date of completion. The course activity report is our most frequently used but it does not show certificate expiry, only date attained. That means that I need to genera...
10 months ago in Reporting 3 Currently Available