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Put Edit Activity back into the My Activity Widget

The Admin's "My Activity" widget used to show courses I had recently created or worked on. They also contained a quick link to that course so I could quickly return to my work. It's gone. Please put back my Created and Edited activities into the "...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 4 Reviewed

Increase the number of available widgets from 10 to 15 or 20.

Our customer currently uses widgets to very effectively display the number of certifications achieved for each category of labor position. Since the number of categories continues to increase, additional widgets are needed. Therefore, request that...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Under Consideration

Allow the ability to edit or hide default dashboards to viewers

We do have a use case for some of the default dashboards but others are not relevant to our business. It would be great to have the option to hide default dashboards from the viewers.
almost 3 years ago in Analyze 4 Reviewed

Improve Base Reporting fields

I would like some fields to be added/adjusted in the base reporting for "Learner Activity". These adjustments shouldn't be too hard because these fields already exist in the "User" list. Can you add the fields of "Synced from Salesforce" and "Inte...
5 months ago in Analyze Essentials 0 Unreviewed

Allow for a "is not instructor" in Analyze

We have many seasonal positions so people move often but we'd still like to be able to track who trained what courses. This is not currently a possibility because Analyze only allows us to pull "is instructor" meaning anyone who still works for us...
5 months ago in Analyze 0 Unreviewed

Multi-Course Report - Course Titles in Columns

Can we please update the multi-course reporting to have the course titles listed in the columns then under each course title it can stat the status of that course for the learner: Not Started, In Progress, Completed? An advanced feature of this wo...
over 1 year ago in Reporting 2 Unreviewed

Scheduled Reports only generate is there is new onformation added

Instead of receiving scheduled reports every day, regardless of new information, you only recieve them when there IS new information. Then you know when you need to review them.
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 6 Reviewed

Expand API Reach

We are building out an incredible amount of APIs and the extent of their data and use is very limited. For example, User Data is only their user profile. We need access to actual user data (e.g. logins)! In addition, credits and competencies. Grea...
over 2 years ago in Integration / Reporting / RESTful API V1.5 1 Unreviewed

Thumbnail Display on Reporting

My client is facing challenges with required state courses. This specific course requires approval upon uploading their certification. In order to approve each user, they go into the course upload to make sure they can possess their certificate. T...
about 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Reporting -- Sort and Filter Capability

Please add advanced sort and multi-item field filtering capability to reports.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Reviewed