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Validate filter by pressing Enter

Since we have the new interface (February 23), we could no longer validate the filter by pressing Enter key. It would be quicker to simply type the search into value field and press Enter instead of click on the Add filter button (or Tab and Enter...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 4 Gathering Interest

Move to Archive certificates when a more recent one is issued

Can it be created an archive folder and an active folder for certificates, so that we could have on the active folder the last certificate that a colleague would have for each training module and all the remaining training certificates moved to th...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 6 Gathering Interest

Set Department default report views (like organizational defaults for reports)

Changing the report default layout for reports has been very helpful. As we've been growing, we've been finding it becomes necessary to set different views based on the department of our admins. Right now, the only method to do this is to save rep...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 5 Gathering Interest

Add Manager Column to Learner Progress

Currently, the Learner Progress Report lacks the feature to incorporate a manager column. By including the Manager Column, administrators will be empowered to generate and distribute reports to designated managers regarding learners' progress.
12 months ago in Reporting 0

I want to be able to report on individual and department training compliance and overdue training trends.

I want to be able to look at historic and current 'overdue' training data to identify departments and/or individuals who are habitually late on completing their training. Determine if a late/overdue training is a "one-off" or if it is a "regular o...
7 months ago in Reporting 0

Track Billboard clicks

Similiar to the idea to see how many views News Articles get (see, It would be great to be able to see how many clicks a specific Billboard gets. This way we can see how impactful the messaging of the b...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Engage / Reporting 1 Gathering Interest

Unique Badge/ competency awarded for completing X Y & Z curriculum

We have curriculums with badges attached, however to encourage completion of all curriculums, we would like to be able to give a special badge or competency to highlight completion This would enable easier reporting on completion of a group of cur...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 3 Gathering Interest

"Saved Reports" Widget Fix (Update from A5 Interface to Current AR Needed)

This is continuation of the issue described in Ticket 179264 . The "Saved Reports" widget currently will not display all reports, due to it using the A5 interface, which has not yet been converted to the new AR. If this update can occur, the Saved...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Fair Probability of Delivery

Download Multiple Transcripts at Once

Would like the Admins to be able to download multiple user's transcripts at once. Format could be a portfolio of PDFs, multiple PDFs zipped and downloaded. Use case: put a copy of a user's transcript in their HR personnel file. We really don't wan...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Gathering Interest

Analyze: Users passing data

A key and basic metrics for trainer is to understand the number of users that based on the first, second, third completed attempt etc... Yet with the current data, every "log in" is an attempt, so it is impossible to know when the user really pass...
10 months ago in Analyze 0