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Core LMS

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Reviewer releases in progress when terminated or inactive

Recently we had a Safety department manager quit and when he was terminated in our SSO with ADP it deactived him. I didn't know that when inactive it would still hold onto those "in progress" for reviewing checklists and it wouldn't be released fo...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0

Multiple Supervisors per User

I think it would be useful to either be able to set multiple supervisors for one individual user or be able to delineate that any user with Admin access for a specific "Department" automatically be assigned as a supervisor role
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Gathering Interest

Automatic Enrolment for Learner at the top of an ILC Waitlist

As opposed to manually enrolling learners from a waitlist, having a feature to automatically assign a learner on this waitlist, would be a hugely beneficial addition.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0

Ability to export video transcription

It would be very helpful if there was the ability to export the transcription that was generated into a txt file, make corrections in an editor, and reupload them into the course. The current setup is rudimentary and time consuming, with the time ...
about 1 year ago in Video Lessons 1

Learner progress bar on Learner Dashboard

Learners are being tasked with achieving 100% completion of mandatory courses. Currently the only method for them to be aware of their completion progress is by viewing the list of courses to see if any remain. The proposal would be to have a wid...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Gathering Interest

Make Group Answers available in Observation for Reviewers for a Course.

When creating an online course with multiple Groups, the first few being a Survey to have the Learner answer question about the material just viewed. At the end a Group was created to have a Reviewer Observe those question with the Learner. Howeve...
6 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 0

Course Edit page - set defaults for sections to be enabled

When I navigate to courses > courses > select a course > click edit, the page defaults to have the 1st 2 sections enabled. I'd like the ability to set a default for myself so I can choose to have my 5 most utilized (for example) always en...
12 months ago in Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Add a column in "Courses" that shows the Group the course is linked to in a Curriculum

When you search your list of courses is there an option to add a Group Column and it can show you the Group in the Curriculum that the course is linked to?
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience / Reporting 2 Future Consideration

ILC Instructor Engagement and Online Course Admin Engagement

Some courses we want learners to “chat” or engage with a course admin/instructor. Ask questions, share ideas, get follow up messages from the instructor/admin. It creates a more interactive and on-going collaborative experience. Would be great to ...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

enhance public dashboard eCommerce options

We need the ability to show courses available for purchase without also having the price displayed. Currently making courses available for public view automatically populates the price. Ideally price would not be displayed until someone creates an...
3 months ago in Core LMS 0