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Core LMS

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Time Zones - ILC Session Reminder Emails

Currently, ILC Session reminder emails don’t have a function to apply the time zone to the email. Our courses are set to time zones across Canada and our students are finding the emails confusing since they only include the time and not the time z...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 7 Reviewed

Allow re-enrollment if absent

If a user is absent from a class that only allows enrollment in a single session, the absence should remain on their transcript while allowing re-enrollment.
8 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Post enrollments into curriculas

It would be ideal if we could use post enrollment triggers to enroll users into a curricula as opposed to being limited to enrolling users only into courses.
6 months ago in Curriculum 1

Nudge emails to users with any outstanding training - showing all the courses that are outstanding

We are leveraging the course based Nudge emails but just re-assigned 17 company polices to be trained upon and if we setup a nudge on each of those 17 courses, a user would get 17 emails and that seems a bit overkill/spammy. Seems there should be ...
3 months ago in Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Automated Reports by Person

"Susie" is changing jobs. Is there a way to run a Report to see what automated reports Susie currently receives? Thanks,Rick
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Auto-generate deep links and make them available in message templates

Creating a deep link for a course is not difficult, however, you have to publish the course to generate the course ID, copy the course ID, then type out the entire deep link URL and cut and paste it where you need it. This adds several steps to th...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 13 Fair Probability of Delivery

Add an Exempt to Transcript for courses and curriculums

We have many veteran employees that do not need to repeat some of our required courses.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 4 Reviewed

ILC Observer option

It would be valuable to have an option to add users to an ILC who are neither Instructors nor Learners, inviting them via the calendar and notifying them of updates. This is to accommodate co-facilitators, for whom we do not want instructor permis...

Summary Email for Enrolled Courses

We would like to streamline the email notification process for our learners to be able to automate a summary email, which instead of sending out individual triggers on an email notification, to send out a digestable summary email which informs the...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 5

Upload Documents to ILC Session

It would be helpful to be able to upload documents/photos/PDF/materials, etc. to a specific session within an ILC. Often times there are items specific to a class (class observations/feedback/activities, attendance sheet) that we would like to be ...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 4 Fair Probability of Delivery