The course resources is a cool function to utilize for all learners to have access to relevant course content. While we utilize sharepoint and other external programs to house our training presentations, I'd love for the LMS to be the sole source ...
Suggestions for enhancements to New Teams ILC Integration
I was really excited to see that you added support to create venues and meeting links for ILC Sessions for Teams, but there are a few things that would make this integration even better. It would be better if the invite came as a "Teams Meeting" s...
Select specific users/admins that receive message notifications
We have a need to add specific users and admins to receive message notifications outside of the options that are currently available to select from (Learner, Supervisor, Admin). This is mostly prohibiting us from using message notifications outsid...
For Engage there is a twitter and Facebook tile to add to the learner dashboard, but not a linkedin one. Our company is much more active on Linkedin than the other two. Could this be added as a tile option for engage?
Create your own custom message templates (not just override the current ones). For example we wanted to send out a customised new user email to users we were bulk importing, and the only way to send a customised email was to override the generic t...
Currently when adding post enrollment rules to a curriculum you are limited to seeing 20 courses listed in the data entry window. We would like to request:
1. Expansion of this listing to unlimited or and upgrade to a better visual UI that would ...
Only allow "reenrollment" on courses users have already completed
Today, if users have already completed the course, they have the option to reenroll. If admins enroll multiple users at the same time it does not "reenroll" users that have already completed the course but rather enrolls them causing the new enrol...
Enable date format to use words for the month (e.g. August)
When creating an Adobe form to add a default certificate in the portal, the date format in Adobe allows you to use Words for the month, but once uploaded into the portal, words are not recognized only numbers.
Automatically mark attendance in an ILC from Zoom Attendee Report
Today it take a lot of time to go through the zoom attendee report and match them up with the attendees to mark attendance. It would be good to be able to import the report and have it auto mark the ILC (or at least do 90% of it)
Reduce number of steps when uploading files (Introduce ability to drag and drop)
Could you allow users to drag and drop files in order to upload. At the moment there are too many steps/clicks/movements in order to upload a simple learning object or resource file into the LMS.