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Core LMS

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Archived / Inactive Courses: Do not appear on the User Transcripts

When you archive a course in the system the course will no longer appears/displays (PDF) on the Users Transcripts. FDOT had to develop a solution to create a " Archive: Inactive Courses - IC " Category to note these courses. Reporting is done by s...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 4 Currently Available

Upload a document to create assessments

It would save so much time in creating longer assessments if admins were able to upload a document with questions and answers and then the system creates the assessment or question bank. Copying and pasting questions and answers from a document fo...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Ability to upload bulk csv of users to a Group

Since there isn't an option to upload a bulk list of users to Groups, it is very hard to have concrete groups of people to use in future assignments. If there are criteria that the system does not support, but we do manually, we can have users add...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Links to meeting requests should be clickable

When a meeting request is generated by Absorb, the link cannot be clicked. When a meeting request is generated by Outlook, the fields are mapped properly. I would be great if the links match the correct fields in meeting requests. How to reproduce...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 3

Set the start date for Nudge Emails

Currently nudge emails are sent on an interval based on the time a learner enrolls in the course, this is limiting when enrollment and expected completion have a long time span in between them, the ability to set when nudge emails should start bei...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Currently Available

Manager's experience should have a tile or filter for mandatory courses

We use the "mandatory" flag to designate requirements and to separate compliance courses from electives. Most of the time, mandatory courses are the only ones with due dates, so it's likely that the manager can just use "overdue" to see if their t...
about 2 years ago in Manager Experience 2 Reviewed

Make chapters optional within a course

In a curriculum we have the functionality to pre set a minimum number of courses the leaner need to complete in order to complete the curriculum. Can we also introduce a similar feature at a course and chapter level. This would be immensely useful...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Toggle to "View Completed Course" when reviewing catalogs

It would be nice for a user to be able to see the courses they've already completed within the catalog or any subsection of a catalog. This would function in the same way the MyCourses toggle works.
6 months ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Select specific users/admins that receive message notifications

We have a need to add specific users and admins to receive message notifications outside of the options that are currently available to select from (Learner, Supervisor, Admin). This is mostly prohibiting us from using message notifications outsid...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Reviewed

Add "Instructor Resources" to ILCs

The course resources is a cool function to utilize for all learners to have access to relevant course content. While we utilize sharepoint and other external programs to house our training presentations, I'd love for the LMS to be the sole source ...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 5 Reviewed