Make it so that you can upload an attendance sheet from Zoom or Teams for an ILT session and it will automatically update attendance in Absorb for that session. Including how long each person attended for and setting for how long they need to have...
When updating a Curriculum, have an option NOT to update user progress
When we make an update to a curriculum, the change may be as small as fixing a video from auto-playing over the slide's auto-play. Making this level of adjustment should not reset user's progress through the course/curriculum.
We would like to option to set the time a course is due (ex. due at 5pm CST or midnight CST) instead of it being due at the exact time you enrolled them but "x" dates later or on "x" date. We want them to have that full day to complete the trainin...
The Groups section needs more settings/filters. We want to view who created the group and what courses/enrollments are using the group. Someone may think the group is unused and delete it, not realizing someone else is using it.
Make it easier to enroll a learner in all courses in a curriculum
Currently learners are not automatically enrolled into courses that are within a curriculum. We have to add a non-delayed post enrollment to get the learner enrolled in the curriculum and the courses. There should be a radio button or select all t...
With the new Manager Experience it would be good if a 'manager' can add learners to a waitlist. Since the 'pending approval' option does not work in ME, we have had to turn self enrolments off for ILC's. (which we planned to do anyway as learners ...
Add the ability to have the form Generator be in Alphabetical order
Generator Form: Add the ability to have the form generator list the users in alphabetical order. Currently the users, are in random order, which makes it hard to have users find their names and sign-in. Especially when there is a class of 50 people.
ILC Zoom Mark Attendance based on attendance of 75% more
Have the ability to only have learners marked as attended if they attended more thant 75% of the Zoom ILC session OR have the duration auto-populated in Absorb so we can untick those who attended less than 75%
Make Observation Checklists re-usable across courses
Observation checklists are great, but there is currently no easy way to re-use checklists across multiple courses. One method is to build each checklist from scratch; another is to duplicate an entire course and then change the other content. Maki...