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Core LMS

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Mass update Course Visibility for multiple courses

It would be very helpful and a real time saver, if on the Course Report, when selecting multiple courses, we could set Course Visibility for all. For example, right now if I change Course Visibility to Department or Group for many courses, it has ...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Add "mark course as inactive" alongside the other righthand actions menu

Add "mark course as inactive" alongside the other righthand actions menu of the courses report. This enables easier clean up for admins who already determined which courses are up for deactivation
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Copy and paste option in review tool

It would be nice if we could use the ''Copy and paste'' option when writing bugs in the review tool. So if you want someone to change a particular sentence by an other sentence, we could just copy and paste that sentence.
4 months ago in Reviewer Experience 2 Gathering Interest

Improve learner experience and navigation by adding back button on Transcript, Inbox and FAQ

If I navigate to the Transcript, Inbox, or FAQ page from the dashboard, there is no “back” button to take me back to the dashboard. I know there are other ways to get to it but an in your face type button would be a better experience.
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Gathering Interest

Make all courses available in the public dashboard catalog

PROBLEM: Currently, when using the Catalog ribbon in a public dashboard, only courses available for purchase can be seen. If courses are offered free of charge, they are not visible in the public catalog. If course prices are set to $0, they will ...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 10 Gathering Interest

Embedding or linking to videos in Collaborations

Please add the ability to add video embedd code or links to youtube videois in the collaborations sections. No need to store videos just allow linking and show thumbnails in the post
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Gathering Interest

View enrollments for set of people matching criteria

We would like to view all enrollments for a set of people (ex. they are all in the same location, same HR business unit, etc). We have to look by person but want to see any enrollment tied to anyone that meets "x" filtering criteria.
4 months ago in Admin Experience 3 Gathering Interest

Allow multiple courses to be duplicated at the same time

We have courses that need to be completed each year. The course content doesn't change year to year. Instead of duplicating each course (150+ courses), we'd like the ability to duplicate all of them at once and then go change the naming convention...
about 3 years ago in Online Courses 0 Gathering Interest

Subscribe to catalog updates or tags

Allow learners to locate courses of interest by getting an update when something new is added to a catalog or tag that they might be interested in. I think the workaround we may use for now is creating a curriculum where they get enrolled in new c...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Gathering Interest

Easier way to add competency to users

Currently, adding competencies to users is really clunky. In order to assgn a competency, I need to add it to a related course or curriculum. OR, I can manually add it to users. However, the only option for adding to users is by user name. It does...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Competencies 1 Gathering Interest