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Online Courses

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In Course Uploads, assign a group so any group members with Admin settings can approve.

I may have leaders that are Admins and review uploads for multiple departments. Currently the appropriate setup is to add them individually as "other" approvers. I would like to give a Group access to approving these so if people swap in and out o...
about 1 year ago in Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Course Approval: Ability for More than One Person to Approve

Courses require a supervisor’s approval. But we need an additional person who can view and approve or deny requests above the level of the supervisor (the supervisor’s supervisor). This can be easily solved by updating the rule in the course appro...
almost 3 years ago in Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Completion date for Observation Checklists in the employee transcript

Need completion date for the Observation Checklist in the employee transcript. It is difficult for our Admins to look up our Observation Checklist audits quickly. These completion dates are crucial to employee pay progression. Now it just shows in...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Observation Checklist Lessons / Reviewer Experience 0 Gathering Interest

Allow a course to be labelled with more than one language

We have several courses that are multi-lingual WITHIN the course itself. The user chooses their language preference at the start of the course. This doesn't match with how Absorb handles languages - with the current configuration, we'd have to pub...
about 3 years ago in Online Courses 0

Email Observation Checklist when complete

When an observation checklist is completed - can this please be emailed to a supervisor for review of what was pass/failed and the comments? This is essential to follow up on clients that have failed. Its doubling up the observers work if they hav...
4 months ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 2 Currently Available

Show course expiration in the overview for online courses that are within a curriculum

It would be helpful for the expiration date of the online courses that are within a curriculum to display the expiration date the same way they do as a stand-alone course. The expiration of the online courses being visible to the learner is a comp...
6 months ago in Curriculum / Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Option to see how many times a course has been viewed

An option to see how many times a course has been viewed (click rate) - this will help see which courses are most useful (in the eyes of the sales learners) – e.g. if a course is viewed multiple times we can make assumptions about its perceived va...
over 2 years ago in Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Multi language subtitles

We are looking at expanding our course materials to Spanish speaking learners. We would like to see the option of selecting multiple language in the sub title menu, so our learners could select their prefered language.
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience / Video Lessons 3 Future Consideration

Time Spent field on certificate (big opp)

I have a client who provides medical credentials to healthcare professionals. One of their requirements is that the certificate has to have the number of hours spent on the course populated upon completion. This needs to only show how many hours s...
4 months ago in Online Courses 1 In Progress

Customizing auto-(re)enrollment

Our goal is to be able to automatically (re) enroll individuals in appropriate compliance training curricula based on 1) last enrollment date + 365 days and 2) job level (IC versus people manager), and 3) location (is Connecticut YES/NO). Ideally ...
10 months ago in Online Courses 1