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Limited Local Admin

Additional rights selections to establish a local administrator. This would entail the following: Ability to reset passwords of learners within their department. Ability to only enroll their learners in courses or curriculums. Ability to re-enroll...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Scheduling E-mails

Ability to schedule the sending of e-mails to users by individual username, department, or group. Create recurring e-mails to be sent out as well as one time use email templates based on date and time.
11 months ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Remove/rename "Course content" phrase from a Curriculum

In a Curriculum in should be "Curriculum content" or just "Content".Another option - allow admins to edit these text lines
almost 2 years ago in Curriculum 1 Unreviewed

'Is Supervisor' flag

It would be helpful to add 'Is Supervisor' flag to the 'Users' list. That would allow filtering Supervisors from the Users list, communicate with them via Absorb, use mass actions, automate groups creation or course enrollments targeted to the spe...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 4 Reviewed

Have the same options for the Quiz as for the knowledge check

Only 5 options for the quiz. Could you offer also : pick one, pick many, drag & drop, fill in the blanks ??
over 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Improving Resources Subfolders

We would like to have a "download all" button for all documents in each subfolder of the resources area - to be able to download the whole bulk of files rather than doing that one by one.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Course Evaluation - More question types

Currently we only get text or rating questions in Course Evaluations but it would be good if we could use Multiple Choice questions as well.
over 2 years ago in  2 Unreviewed

Re-enrollment requires purchase

this used to be a setting based on documentation. If we have a course that has ecommerce, and the learner is scheduled to take it again we set allow for re-enrollment rules. that re-enrollment bypasses ecommerce. Obviously if we charge them for th...
almost 3 years ago in eCommerce / Learner Experience 4 Currently Available

Why do I need 3 accounts to use Absorb

My organization's Absorb portal, the support site, and now this portal require different logins. It would really simplify things if it was just one account.
about 3 years ago in Core LMS / Platform 0 Unreviewed

Retain session information for inactive users and allow for multiple course selection

ILC Activity reports should allow for multiple course selections. Also, they should include which sessions users were enrolled in. Currently, inactive users show as "no session selected" and therefore sessions start dates are empty. We are require...
about 3 years ago in Reporting 2 Reviewed