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See when SCORM content was updated in course history

It would be very useful to see the date that changes were made to SCORM content using the View History button for online courses. Currently, the only way to track when SCORM content is changed is manually using the Save as New Version option. Chan...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Manager Experience able to enroll in sessions and courses

Manager experience presents the data nice and simply for our managers out in the field. I want to simplify their experience to just use this portal. It would be great if they were able to choose a session for their reports off the enrolled courses...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 2 Currently Available

Observation Checklist - Add more individual identifiers or sorting options

As a reviewer, I would like to more easily identify the correct individual from the "Ready" tab. Currently, this tab pulls in the individual first name and last name as well as the job title, but this can be confusing for reviewers in large organi...
over 1 year ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 3 Currently Available

Re-Enrollment for Completed Course or Curriculum creates Fresh Item

Re-Enrollment by Admin for a Completed course or curriculum does not lead to another Enrolled item, it changes the existing one to Progress 0%, Status Not Started. Please add the creation of a new entry/item as primary or optional functionality fo...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Currently Available

Limited Local Admin

Additional rights selections to establish a local administrator. This would entail the following: Ability to reset passwords of learners within their department. Ability to only enroll their learners in courses or curriculums. Ability to re-enroll...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 3 Currently Available

Include direct link to course in course enrolment email

Problem: As a learner, when I am enrolled in a course, I receive an email telling me which course I have been enrolled in. This includes a link to Absorb. However, I need to navigate myself to 'My Courses' and find the correct course. This is time...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 4 Currently Available

Add Admin Visibility Rules to Groups

This will limit the admin view of groups to only the admins in their parent department and sub departments. As an enterprise client we need to give access to create and manage groups to our company admins however if you have access to create and m...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Currently Available

Include course type in user enrolment report

As an admin when we want to view course enrolments for a learner the "Courses Type" is not available in the drop down list for selection. This will be a very useful feature if we have the same courses name for an "Online Course" and " Instructor L...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Currently Available

BizLibrary Content - Mobile Enabled

BizLibrary content is mobile enabled but does not play on the app. This is a very poor user and admin experience. We are constantly telling people to switch to the web browser to play the content or we cannot "turn on" the mobile functionality. An...
over 3 years ago in Mobile App 5 Currently Available

Curriculum Report

Currently the Admin or Manager can not run a Curriculum Report that contains completion statuses for all contained courses, sorted by Learner. Please add Curriculum Report building capability.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 4 Currently Available