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Ability to make a Learning Object Optional for a Learner

We would like the ability to make a learning object within a course optional so if a learner "opts out" they can still be considered complete for a course.
over 1 year ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Pull all survey questions for a class in 1 report

I am trying to create a career and training class with survey questions. However it seems that all questions have to be pulled individually. This essentially makes that information useless to us, I cannot create a report for each question for each...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Calendar view within category tile should only display courses assigned to that category

My dashboard includes a series of tiles that correspond to course categories. When I click a tile, I see courses associated with only that category when I'm in tile, detail, and list view. However, when I switch to calendar view, I see all courses...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Analyze - allow designer to publish changes

If you have an Analyze dashboard, it has one owner and can have multiple designers. If a designer makes a charge (i.e. adds a field or a filter), that change is not published. The owner must republish the dashboard. Designers should be able to pub...
over 2 years ago in Analyze 0 Unreviewed

Observation Checklist - Failure options

Currently, we find that FAIL locks the review and unless an admin re-enrolls the user, the course containing the checklist is incomplete. We would be able to make better use of OC's if Only the PASS behaviour were an option, which could be "comple...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Save and add to the same upload

Every year, users will have to do the same manadatory course and upload their new screenshot. I don't want to delete their old uploads. I don't want to change the upload space. I want 'add file'
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Expand Direct Reports Box to see All Reports as you add

When adding new reports to the manager direct reports box on a user profile, you can't see everyone in there while you are adding new people. It would be great to see everyone so you can double check yourself.
10 months ago in Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed

Auto loop Billboard Videos

When adding a video to a billboard, it will play through, stop showing the play button, and then wait a few seconds longer before moving to the next billboard. It would be great if videos had an option of being auto looped, so that it continually ...
10 months ago in Billboards 0 Unreviewed

Dropdown menu mobile functionality

For those who require a dropdown menu of options for learners to select from upon signing up to train, it would be great to improve the functionality of the dropdown menu particularly on mobile. On desktop, learners can easily locate the dropdown ...
10 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Search and Filter to Find Specific ILC Session

Currently, learners cannot easily search for a specific ILC session. Instead, they're provided with a list or calendar view of all available sessions of an ILC and have to scroll through all sessions to locate the one they're looking for. Please a...
about 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Learner Experience 2 Unreviewed