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Reorder question answers

Please bring back the ability to move answers in a question. For example, move answer C to A.
6 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Proper OIDC Integration (Azure B2C)

The integration of OIDC is very limited and tailored around the use of Auth0. The implementation is not done according to the standard and therefore is only usable with Auth0. Other IdP (like Azure) can't be used because the Implementation needs F...
almost 2 years ago in Integration 1 Unreviewed

Due dates on User Transcripts

It would be helpful when a due date is assigned that this original due date is somehow noted on their user transcript. If you change a due date when assigning a course, the only due date reported is the most recent one, so you lose any previous du...
12 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Field level permissions

We'd love the ability to be able to flag certain fields for "Sys Admin update only". So any admin with update permissions on Users CANNOT update the fields we've flagged (these might be Absorb standard fields or custom fields we've created). There...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Send a notification to users when someone assigns them a badge

Currently the system doesn't notify the user when they have received a badge from someone else, we have to manually send out messages for this. It would be helpful if Absorb sent a notification to the assignee that they have received a new badge. ...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

LinkedIn Learning Integration

I would love to see a "language" filter in the content library. This would make it easier for admins to sort and import content by language vs. relying on the naked eye to sort through over 20,000 courses. LinkedIn does provide an excel sheet of a...
almost 2 years ago in Integration 1 Currently Available

Global resource - add a toggle to switch between public or private

We have about 100 documents under global resources and we set them as private, however now we are thinking we want them public. There is no easy way to do that without reuploading each document again.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Change the message templates in German from 'Sie' zu 'du'

In German we have something like a 'polite form' if we speak with unknown or honourable people, we call it "Sie-Form" and if we talk to friends or known people, we use "du" - in english both is "you". In the message template the polite form is use...
6 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Partial refund on transactions

If a user orders two courses within one order, the two courses have the same transaction Id. This leads to the the fact, that you can’t refund a part of the transaction. If a user orders two courses, one is happening and the other one isn’t, we ar...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Resources - no attachment required

Right now, resources are required to have an attachment, either a PDF or URL link. I'd like that field to NOT be mandatory. I'd like to be able to provide supplemental info there without needed a link.
over 2 years ago in Create 0 Unreviewed