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Default Items Per Page Increased

It would be great to customize the default # of items that are shown per page. In most scenarios, I need to increase to more than 20.
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Report Data Column addition

A NEW helpful data column for reports would be to add the # of times a user attempted the course. This is different from the existing data column of # of times they accessed the course. Accessing could include that the user had to start/stop the c...
almost 2 years ago in Reporting 0

Certificate includes admin who completed task

In a scenario where the trainee completes online curriculum/courses and then is enrolled in an in person training which is assigned as a task in separate course which an admin will go in and mark as complete, a certificate needs to be generated wi...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Adding question bank ID's to their linked lessons in the API

I'd like to be able to get a list of question banks ID's for the lesson they're attached to using the 1.5 API. So that for instance, if I had a course ID, I could go through all Exam type lessons, and get a list of the question banks used for a co...
almost 2 years ago in RESTful API V1.5 0

Enable option for curricula to count completions across multiple groups; or, create subgroups within course groups

Often when creating curricula, we have a number of courses that users could choose from to fulfill an "elective" requirement. However, in our current state, all possible elective courses must be contained within a single group. This can get cumber...
almost 2 years ago in Curriculum 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Create Keyboard Shortcuts

The Create toolset needs keyboard shortcuts similar to the way that keyboard shortcuts are used in Photoshop (ie typing v selects the move tool)
almost 2 years ago in Create 0

Save Content in Create without Publishing to LMS

When I build a course in the LMS, I use a template to ensure that all the correct selections are made and the information is always in the same format. When the content for the course is to come from Create, I need to create the content in Create ...
almost 2 years ago in Create 0

Make Shipping details reportable

Please make shipping details reportable from the Transaction report and/or the Transaction Details report. If someone enters shipping details the only way to find that info is from the Receipt screen from the Transaction report.
almost 2 years ago in eCommerce / Reporting 0 Reviewed

add Credits (CPD) to Manager Experience Dashboard

Our staff must complete a certain amount of credits (CPD) or learning hours each financial year. It would be helpful for Managers to be able to view the total Credit balance for relevant period for each of their direct reports including credits fr...
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 3 Currently Available

Limit Question Bank visibility by department or group

We are adding questions in the question bank because they will be used for multiple courses within a department, but we do not want those questions visible or available to be used for other departments. It would be extremely useful to be able to l...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery