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Add a Confirmation when approving/denying the course/session attendancy

We would like to receive a confirmation once we click Approve/Deny button in the Pending Approval email for courses and sessions. Currently it is intended that the Approve/Deny button redirects you to the LMS page but you can see a blank screen wi...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed

Increasing Animations

Presently, the animations are limited to entrance and exit. I often find when I am adding a voice over, that I want to emphasize something on the screen, but I have no way to do that unless I hide that content until that point in the audio. I'd lo...
almost 2 years ago in Create 0 Low Probability of Delivery

Add capability for students do a "graded" self-evaluation survey to identify strengths and weaknesses.

I want to have two self-evaluation surveys in a course I am developing. Each survey has five questions with five possible answers for each question. Each possible answer to a question has a different value. As the student answers each question the...
3 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

add ability to download a course as a pdf file

We need the ability to export our course as pdf files to provide our customers the information to use when they are leading one of our programs. This is important because they need this information handy. This will dramatically help us provide our...
8 months ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Please add the ability to adjust the Waitlist Expiration time and keep the waitlist data after expiration

Please add the ability to adjust the Waitlist Expiration functionality. It's not ideal the Waitlist expire 24-hours prior to the Session start time. We should have control to manage the expiration time settings for waitlist. It would be nice to be...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 6 Reviewed

Collaboration - Add custom field or Job title field to display name

When a learner posts on a forum, we would like it to include their profession or job title after their full name either through a custom field or the job title field found in Absorb LMS.
9 months ago in Collaborations 0 Unreviewed

Paywall as Course Object or Other

Imagine if we could prompt learners to purchase other courses using a paywall. One way this could be utilized is through a curriculum where let's say you have 10 courses you want to sell but would like learners to get a free preview. They would be...
5 months ago in eCommerce 0 Reviewed

Add to Group Option from Users List

There needs to be a way to use the Users panel to add one or multiple users to an existing group. The only way to do this is to go to Users > Groups and manually type in the user's name or add a rule. If you go to Users panel and check one user...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

ADP Integration: Add "Manager Position" field as a supported field to be mapped

We have many courses that are specifically for people managers. Today we have several Job Titles that use the word "Manager" yet these roles do not manage people, so we can't use Job Title for enrollment purposes in many cases. Mapping this "Manag...
almost 3 years ago in ADP / Integration 9 Under Consideration

Group Filter in Course and Curriculum Activity

Please add the ability to filter for groups when displaying course and curriculum activity so it's easy to identify which group people who have/haven't completed the course/curriculum are in.
2 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available