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Hot Spots capabilities in the Interactive Learning Objects

Having the ability to upload our own media (picture or video) and add hot spots that would require the learn to identify those areas on the media before moving on to the next task would be hugely beneficial.
2 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Report for most popular courses

It would be great to be able to report on which courses are the most popular among self-enrollment courses. And even better if we can drill down by learner demographics. We would leverage this data to curate more of those courses or topics to meet...
2 months ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Course view - navigation on the left

We interviewed customers in the health sector about the usability of the platform. They had problems or searched too long to find the navogation on the right side. The first impulse is to search it on the left side. Perhaps you can add a course vi...
2 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Bulk Actions for Delete, Categorize, and Move to Workspace

When clients reach 100s of courses, and dozens of workspaces, the ability to complete bulk actions in the workspace will be necessary to reduce the cognitive load of keep a large amount of content organized. As clients using Create LI cope with ev...
almost 2 years ago in Create 5 Low Probability of Delivery

Enhance the competency framework with direct assignment and selection of levels

As part of my work to develop training for learners to achieve industry certification, I am trying to set up competencies in Absorb in a way that matches the structure of competencies as laid out by the certifying agency. Absorb currently only all...
4 months ago in Skills 0 Unreviewed

New Resume Tile icon format doesn't match the other tiles

After Next Gen LE phase 1 was released on 7/24/22, the resume tile looks completely different than all of the other tiles.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 16 Reviewed

Add "send test" option for Custom Message Templates

Add "send test" option for customized message templates. This will allow admins to preview the message before saving and having this message arrive to learners. To do this now, I have to simulate the behaviour as a learner which is tedious, especi...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Please add a column with language details when searching Amplify content.

We would like to be able to find courses that offer multiple language options , so those details would be useful in their own column instead of having to preview every course.
about 1 month ago in Amplify 0 Unreviewed

Ability for to create multiple tasks in one checklist

It would be helpful to be able to have a checklist like the Observation Checklist that would allow you to create several tasks, but would allow the employee to check them off rather than the reviewer. To be able to do that now, I have to create in...
about 1 month ago in Task Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Add Manager's Email to Reporting

Would it be possible to add the manager's email address as a display option in all course and curriculum reports? This would allow a user to get the data as a downloaded spreadsheet and be able to see the manager's email address, which could enhan...
about 1 month ago in Reporting 0 Unreviewed