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Learner Inbox Management

If you notice, anyone with Admin access has the ability to delete messages from their own message inbox. However those users with Learner access only cannot do anything but mark messages as read. Over time, this inbox will accumulate hundreds of m...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2

Allow setting up a default certificate for the different portal templates.

We have created 4 different templates for 4 main divisions to provide a more customized and personalized experience to them. However there is not a current feature to allow a default certificate to be set at the template level only at the portal l...
7 months ago in Admin Experience 0

Allow a course's Variable Price Groups to include Sub-Departments of the selected Department

When setting a Variable Price Group for a course, we'd like the option to choose between "Is Only" and "And Sub-Departments Of", similar to what you see when you filter by department (attached image). This would allow us to place our learners in m...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 2 Gathering Interest

File Manager - replace file to not add (#) to filename to maintain URL

We replace files quite often and if we use the replace file option, it adds a (#) to the end of the filename. I do understand that doesn't break any links within Absorb, however if we link to files from outside of Absorb, those links do not work n...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 6

Bulk Enroll FROM Specific Course TO Specific Course & Collaboration

First, we have, say 100 students enrolled in an ILC, but we also want them to take an online course. Currently, we need to download the 100 students info to a spreadsheet, open up the online course, and manually enroll every single one of those st...
about 1 month ago in Core LMS 0

Create two separate instances of NoResultsID

Right now there is one instance in Translations of "NoResultsID". The default message now is "We're so sorry! We could not locate this course. If you believe you should have access to this course, please contact your system administrator." This me...
3 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Bypass dashboard notices

We need the ability to easily bypass notices on homepage if already viewed. Don't want to have to wait on it to load and "x" out each time.
3 months ago in Learner Experience 0

Automatically create departments when provisioning a new user

We use the user auto-privisioning functionality to automatically create users on the fly as they come in from our software. The problem is, the users come in with department set to the customer they are coming from. If the department exists in Abs...
4 months ago in Integration 1 Future Consideration

Add Mandatory Overdue/Incomplete button to Manager Experience to display employee listing.

Today, managers are unable to easily see which mandatory trainings are incomplete or overdue for their employees which is a requirement for their performance reviews. If they had a button on the manager dashboard that listed any employees who had ...
6 months ago in Manager Experience 0

Curricula Learner Progress Report

Would like to see a customize learner progress report automatically update with courses within a curriculum. When courses are removed/added to the curriculum, the report should be automatically updated and the inactive course are no longer shown o...
about 2 years ago in Curriculum / Reporting 1 Future Consideration