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Manager Experience - Expired Certificates and Competencies

Functionality needed in Manager Experience to see users' expired certificates and competencies via the Expired widget.
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 1 Reviewed

Order Comments - Absorb Create

There are times when I watch a video that my creative team put together two or three times. Sometimes I see things on the second or third pass and add a comment that is now out of order. I'd like to be able to organize the comments on the right ha...
5 months ago in Create 0 Unreviewed

Add attachments to Messages to students

When messaging a student being able to attach a document. Many times instructors want to send documents to a user(s) that are enrolled in a session.
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Cancel ILC Sessions where the Minimum Class Size is not Met

Currently when an ILC session has low enrollments it needs to be rescheduled or deleted manually, the ability to configure a time frame by which a Class need to meet the minimum threshold or be cancelled would reduce the overhead required to manag...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 4 Reviewed

Customizable Transcript layouts

The ability to have a set of options which determines the content that appears on the transcript would enable the ability to cater the transcript to different audiences
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 6 Reviewed

Add "text to speech" option

We currently have our SME's do the recordings for their areas, but when employees promote/retire/leave and we need to update a training, we don't want to have multiple voices on the training. It would make it much simpler to add the ability to hav...
over 2 years ago in Create 2 Currently Available

Change "Hide Courses within a Curriculum" setting to a per curriculum rule, not a global rule

We have a need for some curricula to hide the course within a catalog, such as for annual renewable training where we want the user to access the course only through the curriculum. However, we have other curricula where we want the course to also...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Reviewed

Customization for ECommerce Site

I would love more customization in the ecommerce site so people can enter how they learned about the product (i.e. word of mouth, X, facebook, etc) and if they heard about us from someone else, to indicate who. Ideally, this would be two separate ...
about 1 month ago in eCommerce 0 Unreviewed

Add Access Date on User level

Would be great to have access date added on the user level so that users can access a course on different days.
about 1 month ago in Platform 0 Unreviewed

Create the ability to whitelist clients

When adding our customers and clients, its important that only they are allowed to view our LMS since our documentation is copyrighted. Instead of only having the option to give hundreds of enrollment keys, we should have the ability to whitelist ...
3 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed