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Show course expiration in the overview for online courses that are within a curriculum

It would be helpful for the expiration date of the online courses that are within a curriculum to display the expiration date the same way they do as a stand-alone course. The expiration of the online courses being visible to the learner is a comp...
5 months ago in Online Courses 0

Option to see "Post Enrollments" on Courses Menu/as a Filter

We use Post Enrollment rules quite often but have found they can cause some confusion since the only way to confirm Post Enrollments are active on a Course is to view the individual course itself. We are requesting the option to have Post Enrollme...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Add ability to bulk approve external training submissions

Add the ability to bulk approve external training submissions. Today when I try to select more than one submission, the approve button grays out. It's not efficient for managers to approve submissions one by one.
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 0

Recognize leading numbers when alphabetizing courses.

If I have a list of courses that are meant to be taken in order, I can only cause them to appear in order within their category folder in the catalog by adding a leading letter, "a. [course name 1]; b. [course name 2]; c. [course name 3]." It woul...
almost 2 years ago in Core LMS 1

ILCs on the Absorb App

We would like to utilize the absorb app but we use many ILCs. We would love for ILCs to be compatible for the app. Our leadership has voiced how helpful this would be and we think it would make Absorb that much more user friendly to have app acces...
over 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Mobile App 1

Add conditional formatting to dashboard

It would be nice if we could add conditional formatting (like color or other font adjustments) to Analyze dashboards. For example, if a course is not completed and is past due, it would be nice to have that display in red, or bold it, etc.
over 1 year ago in Analyze 1

Search Analytics Data

I would love to see a data table where we can pull the search analytics. I use the search analytics under settings to assess if people are finding what they need and to review common words or phrases. It would be awesome to create views of this da...
almost 3 years ago in Analyze 2 Reviewed

Group Filter in Course and Curriculum Activity

Please add the ability to filter for groups when displaying course and curriculum activity so it's easy to identify which group people who have/haven't completed the course/curriculum are in.
3 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Add Resources at Session level in ILT

It would be so useful if we could add Resources at the Session level, rather than the course level in ILT's. We have multiple sessions being offered by different trainers, in different locations - being able to attach resources at the session leve...
7 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Assignment Tool

Looking through the idea portal, I have seen numerous posts about the difficulties around assigning training either at the course level or curriculum level. Absorb should add a tool dedicated to assigning courses. This tool could include any combi...
12 months ago in Admin Experience 3 Low Probability of Delivery