We would like department leads to be able enroll users into courses but not be able to modify the enrollment details. The Enroll Anyone option is deceiving as it doesn't actually have to do with enrolling people in courses.
Thank you for taking the time to share your idea with us. We truly appreciate your thoughtful contribution and the effort you put into helping us improve our platform.
After careful consideration, we’ve determined that we are unable to prioritize this suggestion at this time. While we recognize its value, our current roadmap commitments and resource constraints prevent us from implementing it in the near future. However, we want to assure you that your idea has been documented in our repository and remains an important part of our ongoing discussions.
We continuously evaluate potential improvements, including enhancements to role permissions, such as the ability to select a new permission that allows users to enroll others in courses without modifying enrollments. As we refine our roadmap, we will revisit your suggestion to see how it aligns with our evolving priorities.
Your insights play a vital role in shaping our platform, and we sincerely appreciate your engagement. Please don’t hesitate to share any additional thoughts or ideas with us, we’re always listening!
Thank you for taking the time to share your idea with us. We truly appreciate your thoughtful contribution and the effort you put into helping us improve our platform.
After careful consideration, we’ve determined that we are unable to prioritize this suggestion at this time. While we recognize its value, our current roadmap commitments and resource constraints prevent us from implementing it in the near future. However, we want to assure you that your idea has been documented in our repository and remains an important part of our ongoing discussions.
We continuously evaluate potential improvements, including enhancements to role permissions, such as the ability to select a new permission that allows users to enroll others in courses without modifying enrollments. As we refine our roadmap, we will revisit your suggestion to see how it aligns with our evolving priorities.
Your insights play a vital role in shaping our platform, and we sincerely appreciate your engagement. Please don’t hesitate to share any additional thoughts or ideas with us, we’re always listening!