For users who with Admin privileges, when they log into the Admin Dashboard and begin navigating the course, user, report menus, they are subject to the default settings of the System Admin. A great feature would be to allow each admin to personalize those screens with the information of greatest interest to them instead of having to reset the filters each time they log in.
Yes, what I was suggesting is that they too have the option to set their own default view of their reports layout instead of having to start all over again each time they come in. For example- if one of my administrator's knows they want the same 4 columns on every report, they have to refilter each time to get them. It would be nice if they had a chance to have some default setting options.
Thank you for your idea! To clarify, your organization utilizes the "Organization Default" and each of your admins have a different default? Are your admins utilizing the "Report Layouts" feature where they can define multiple reports of their preference and choose one of those with a couple of clicks?