Currently in Create, in "review" mode, not all options are enforced. I understand that is intentional and for good reason.
I would like the OPTION to see a slide in "review" mode with all setting enforced.
Without this, the challenge it creates is if I want to see all the options enforced during my designing and editing process, I need to go into "play" mode. But play mode forces you to start at the beginning and go through all pages with all settings enforced. So, if I want to look at page 50 or 60, I need to go through the entire course, including activities, quizzes, timed slides, etc. just to get to page 50 or 60.
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. After careful consideration, we have decided that we are unable to prioritize this suggestion at the moment. While we appreciate the value of your request, current roadmap commitments and resource limitations prevent us from pursuing it in the near future.
Rest assured, your idea has been added to our repository, and we will revisit it as we continue evaluating potential improvements, including the option to enforce all settings in review mode for creation.
Your feedback plays a crucial role in shaping our platform, and we truly appreciate your contribution to its growth.