We utilize a lot of instructor led courses for training rather than online courses. I'd like to have an option to select a course for a individual in their transcript and simply mark it complete, rather than needing to first enroll them in a course, and then have to go back into the transcript and then mark them complete. It adds a lot of work to have to first enroll, and then have to go back and mark complete.
Thank you for sharing your idea with us. We genuinely appreciate the time and thought you put into it. After careful consideration, we’ve determined that we’re unable to prioritize this request at the moment due to our current roadmap commitments and resource constraints.
That said, your idea remains in our repository, and we’ll revisit it as we explore future improvements to transcripts, including the ability to select courses and mark them as complete without requiring learner enrollment.
Your feedback is invaluable in shaping our platform, and we truly appreciate your contribution to its growth.