The Absorb Create Media Library file import function is excellent in that you can bulk import files, however, once the files have been imported there are several file/category management issues that make the Media Library difficult to manage:
The biggest issue is that Create Media Library does not have sub-categories for file management. Sub-categories allow the user to organize their course artifacts into sub-sections rather than having them all in one category. If you look at any online file management tool, there are always folders and sub-folders (Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive, to name a few). Without this feature, managing uploaded files becomes extremely unwieldy.
Lack of a category 'sticky' function which means that when working in a category, there is no way to stay in that category after performing a functionality. Instead, the user is refreshed back to the default All Categories which means, they have to navigate back to the category each time they perform an activity. This is based once again on online file management services that will stay in the folder you navigate to so multiple actions can be performed in that folder.
The addition of sub-categories and the 'sticky' function would be really helpful for Course management in Create as well.
Both of these functions would increase the usefulness of the Create content management exponentially for users and would also highlight the amazing power that Absorb Create has to offer clients.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your idea with us. After thoughtful consideration, we’ve made the difficult decision not to prioritize this suggestion at the moment. While we truly recognize the value of your request, our current roadmap commitments and resource constraints prevent us from moving forward with it right now.
Please rest assured that your idea has been added to our repository, and we will revisit it as we continue to evaluate improvements to Create, including enhancements to file management.
Your feedback plays a vital role in shaping our platform, and we genuinely appreciate the effort you’ve put into contributing to its growth. Thank you again for your support!