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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-1062 Add an Overdue Status.

Overdue Course Report

I need a quick, clean, and easy way to run a report to show me all overdue courses for all active users. The overdue and nudge emails are not enough to ensure that all users complete their assignments. With my previous LMS, I had an report auto sent each week that would tell me every assignment that was overdue for an employee so I could personally reach out to them and remind them of the importance of completing their training.

  • Admin
    Pamela Easterbrook
    Jun 29, 2022


    With regards to this ask, Absorb is currently working on a 'manager experience' (supervisor concept) to allow people with a managerial role to log in and manage the training of their direct reports.

    The concept of 'what direct reports have overdue courses' is something we can look at applying here and is intended to be a more effective way to get at, and take action on, this type of data.
    We will likely try and add the overdue filter to some existing reports too in order to meet an administrator needs, but the comment Matthew made around supervisors self-serving, is the whole intent of the experience we are currently working on.

    Let us know your thoughts.



    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jun 14, 2022

    Agreed - as much as we can "push" information to supervisors, the better. Especially in regards to compliance reporting and overdue training courses.