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Core LMS

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Ability to tailor RE-ENROLLMENT rules

Some of our employees need to take a course one-time only, while others need the same course annually (e.g., supervisors need to take it to be aware of what their employees do, but the employees need to refresh annually because they are responsibl...
about 1 year ago in Online Courses 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Possiblity to add Level for a course e.g. Intermiediate, Basic, Advanced

It would be great if there was a filter function for the course level, we have categores for types e.g. HR, Autodesk, Cyber, ect. but not for the course level. If we have courses from basic to advance and the users wants to filter by course level ...
4 months ago in Learner Experience / Online Courses 1 Low Probability of Delivery
170 VOTE

Allow for "Department 'Is Not'" Enrollment Rule

When creating an enrollment rule for Courses or Groups, Absorb only allows you to use Departments is "Is Only" or "And sub-departments of" logic. I would like to be able to exclude a department by setting it to "Department" "is not", and then sele...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 25 Low Probability of Delivery

Enable/Disable toggle for Global Resources

In the global resources, it would be wonderful to have a toggle that would enable or disable that resource, similar to how you can enable or disable a course by using a toggle. This would be helpful when we need to make updates to a resource and w...
3 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Edit Multiple Curricula

In LMS-I-141, the ability to bulk update online courses was added. This idea is to do the same for curricula. Add your specific needs as comments.
2 months ago in Curriculum 1 Low Probability of Delivery
168 VOTE

Offer more interactive quiz types than just multiple choice

Offer more interactive quiz types than just multiple choice . Drag and drop preselections into sentence locations or over images and connect images/text with lines would all be great editions to the quiz taking experience and adds for better proof...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 5 Low Probability of Delivery

Report on learning object

Course activity is lowest level you can see; want to be able to report on Learning Object activity without having to look at each user.
2 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery
125 VOTE

Auto enroll learner in all courses within a curriculum

It would be nice to have the option to automatically enroll a learner in every course that is included in a particularly curriculum. As it is right now, we have to enroll the learner in the curriculum, then each individual course as well, which is...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 9 Low Probability of Delivery
103 VOTE

ILC Session: recurring dates should allow multiple days in one week or variable days month.

We have trainings that are held on a different days within a week or multiple varying days throughout the month. Staff are not able to get a calendar reminder to mark off the days as the system does not allow for this. WE currently have to just no...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 17 Low Probability of Delivery
102 VOTE

Curriculums within Curriculum

As we evolve our learning programs, we need to ability to add curriculums within curriculums. This would allow us to give learners a choice in what they need to take for a single requirement. So for example, we have sales reps who need annual cont...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Low Probability of Delivery