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Admin Experience

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Charge to re-enroll

It would be helpful, to allow a change fee for learner who need to re-enoll in a curriculumn becase they did not complete the course requiremnts, in our case the year to complete.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 2 Currently Available

Certificate DELETE button - own permission within Roles

We need to be able to provide a Role to our Client Admins that does NOT allow them to have the DELETE option within certificates but DOES allow them to re-enrol their users onto courses. The DELETE certificate button availability seems to be linke...
11 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

File Manager enhancements - see number of associations by file, and by course

The new file manager options are a great improvement, thank you Absorb. Since this was just rolled out, and a lot of ideas have been submitted, hopefully the design team is already working on improvements. Suggestions: Navigate directly to files, ...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1

Session Enrolment Emails

It would be useful to be able to send different session enrolment emails. We have a group of online instructor-led sessions, we want the url of each session to appear within the message text of the enrolment email. Currently the message text and s...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses 1

Add a Mass Action to Update a Field for selected Users/Keys/Courses

Specifically, I run into the issue of creating mass sets of Enrollment Keys or I enroll users for a very specific set of courses as for custom period of time. I have had cases where the client needed all of their keys Expiry Date extended 5 months...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Future Consideration

Delete Survey Response History by Question

When removing questions from a survey you are unable to if someone has already answered that question. You can go in and delete the entire survey history but it would be great to be able to keep the responses from all the other questions and just ...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Survey Lessons 2 Future Consideration

Include a "expand all" button in the learner transcript. Sometimes you have to click "Load more" several times.

No description provided
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Be able to turn on or off nudge emails

It would be nice to be able to reflexively turn on/off nudge emails after a person was enrolled. The fact that it is static is very limiting.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Gathering Interest

Self Reported Tasks

The ability to configure a task where a Learner can report their status for the Task with the option for an administrator to approve the status before the learner can proceed with their Course
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS / Learner Experience / Task Lessons 2 Gathering Interest

The Ability to Remove someone from a Group

It would be helpful if we had the ability to remove someone from a Group. There are times, based on criteria, there may be individuals that, though the meet the rules, you don't want to be part of the Group. There is a delete user, but that would ...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Gathering Interest