Other LMS's that we have used have keyboard shortcuts to allow for a more efficient and faster navigation. Example, when searching for a user, if you filter by username / name / email, other system allow hitting enter (from keyboard) to retrieve t...
To whom it may concern, We would like to suggest a message template that is triggered when a student fails to attend an ILC. The template message would serve to notify the manager and the student that the ILC was missed. If possible it would also ...
Setting up a custom dashboard template is VERY time consuming. It would be incredibly helpful to be able to setup a template and then duplicate that template and make minor changes, rather than start from scratch for each individual template.
If I replace a scorm file or remove a section/group in the course it doesn't update the 'date edited' time/date stamp. This is very difficult to know when the most recent file was added. It is also not accurate as the last 'date edited' should be ...
Right now, there is one global template for course evaluations. We are now wanting to add required standardized evaluations to our courses and have different questions for ILC vs Online. We will have to choose which we will use the template defaul...
I would like the ability to overwrite any field set for existing users with an enrollment key. For example: An enrollment key is configured, and that key is set to place the user in department 'X'. If a new user uses the key - they are placed in d...
When entering dates in enrolment rules, report criteria etc. there is no option to enter relative dates (e.g. within the last X days etc.). In many cases you need relative as opposed to absolute (before X date) dates. This missing functionality cr...
Add Spreadsheet Import Support for Enrollments and Groups
Currently, the only way to add an existing user for a course Enrollment, or to add a user to a Group, is manually, one at a time. Please add Spreadsheet import support for Enrollments and Groups to dramatically reduce Admin administrative burden.