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Exempt Status for Courses/Curricula

Sometimes users fit enrollment rules and there is no way to prevent them from automatically getting enrolled. But, there are scenarios where some users don't need to take something even though they fit the rules. Legally, you don't want to mark th...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Make search bar in course so that transcript is searchable when watching video.

Today, when Pinpoint is used, transcripts are searchable via global search. However, as a learner I would like to be able to search a transcript while I am watching a video and have the Lesson Contents window visible. (Likely a search bar in the t...
10 months ago in Video Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Batch Print Certificates

Our admins often need to print or save certificates for safety or compliance courses to have on file or for their employees to retain a copy. The ability to complete this as a mass action would save a lot of time and headache.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Reviewed

Allow upload of multiple files in course uploads for student

For our department it's essential that a student is able to upload multiple files for a course upload. For example an audio file and a mp4
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Add auto-fill field to messages to display the course description.

In the confirmation message to the learner it would be good to be able to include the Course description as a "auto-fill" field
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Multiple Billboard Containers

Why, who, how Why - currently you can only have one billboard container design on any learner dashboard, regardless of the number of containers (they can be added but effectively duplicates). This enhancement would allow for content to be specific...
about 3 years ago in Billboards / Engage 0 Unreviewed

Multiple Tenants for Teams

Our business is structured where the departments within Absorb are actually individual clients that utilize our training system and platform. There is a lot of interest in enabling the Teams functionality within the individual departments, but thi...
over 3 years ago in Integration / Teams 0 Unreviewed

Add option to exclude a course from a coupon

Currently the only way to exclude a course from a coupon is to add every other course in the catalog to a coupon except the one to be excluded. We'd like a separate option with a separate dropdown to let you select which courses should specificall...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Consistent Naming Convention for all Date Related Filter

There are several filters listed as "Date XXX" such as "Date Enrolled" or "Date Hired". There are also several date related filters that are posted w/o the word "Date", such as "Last Logged In" or "First Logged In" Itd be great if all filters rela...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Creation of Re-Enrollment Email Message Template

Whenever we have a course that needs to be done on an annual/bi-annual basis, it would be helpful if there was a message template specifically for when it is time for a learner to be re-enrolled in a course. Having different language i.e. You've b...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed