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Option to preview which users will be enrolled

Currently - when you make a change to enrollment rules the system will tell you how many users meet the rules, how many have an existing enrollment, and how many will receive a new enrollment. We would like the system to give us the option to dril...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 8 Low Probability of Delivery
255 VOTE

Track which Admin enrolled the learner in a course

Currently, enrollment history is not retained by the system, except for the enrollment method. In the case of admin enrollments, it would be helpful to know which admin enrolled the user.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 6 Currently Available
162 VOTE

Sort by due date in My Courses

Currently, there isn't an option in the learner's My Courses that enables them to sort according to due date in the card view. The learner can only filter by things like date enrolled, expiry date, etc. This would be incredibly helpful for our org...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 11 Currently Available

Creation of billboards in Absorb Create

Would be nice to create billboard images and videos in Absorb Create and have them integrated with the Admin Experience.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Billboards / Create / Engage 0 Unreviewed

Nudge emails for a learner with items in their cart but not checked out

Idea is that a learner could start thinking about purchasing items but then gets distracted or interrupted and forgets. Would be great if the next day they got a reminder email to purchase the items.
over 2 years ago in eCommerce / Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Display course certificates in mobile app

Having the ability to display course certificates in the mobile app would allow our employees to confirm that they are properly certified to perform an activity. For instance, an employee could show that they are certified on a piece of equipment ...
over 2 years ago in Mobile App 1 Reviewed

Be able to turn on or off nudge emails

It would be nice to be able to reflexively turn on/off nudge emails after a person was enrolled. The fact that it is static is very limiting.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Bulk Import User Data

There are instances when, for whatever reason, our FTP fails and we need to quickly be able to import our bulk user data. In past LMSs we have had the ability to do a manual bulk import of user data, groups, etc. Would love to see this added as an...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Currently Available

Launch course from the transcript

It would be ideal and helpful to launch completed courses from a learner's transcript.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 5 Currently Available

Make leaderboards function between departments

Is it on the road map to make leaderboards function between departments (or in my use case between locations)? Not just between individual learners?
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 1 Unreviewed