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Save Column Widths with Save Layout

When I run Reports, often there are some columns with lots of wasted space, and other columns that are cut short and have to wrap around. So, I manually resize the columns. Is it possible to save the column widths with Save Layout? Thanks,Rick
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Gathering Interest

Resources - ability to report

We would like the ability to be able to report on the usage and activity of the global resources as well as be able to add these to widgets in the dashboards. As learning nuggets and quick reference guides are becoming more important in learning d...
about 2 years ago in Reporting 4 Gathering Interest

Auto-Shutoff for Scheduled Reports

Nudge emails have a great feature. You can have them run every “X” days and then automatically shut off after running “Y” # of times. Wouldn’t it be great if you could also do that with Scheduled Reports? Example: I’d like to run a Scheduled R...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 4 Gathering Interest

Report: Course and Curriculum

Hello Absorb team! We are in need of a report which shows all curriculums and the courses within them. This will help us have a clear view of our library, especially when performing periodic reviews according to state regulatory and internal agenc...
10 months ago in Reporting 1 Gathering Interest

stop sending 2 instructor email notifications

When you create an ILC and assign an instructor, two parts of the "instructor" email template go out. The instructor notification section (which I understand and want) and the Course Update for Instructors goes out (why? The course wasn't updated,...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 9 Gathering Interest

Report filtering (Exclude and multi-select)

NEED to be able to exclude in the filtering option (for example if select department need to have option to exclude a dept) In addition Need to be able to select multiple options (example if I want to include a dept need to select multiple departm...
over 1 year ago in Reporting 4 Gathering Interest

The "Overdue" and "Days until Due" report fields are incorrect

The Overdue report field always says "yes" if the date the course is/was due is in the past. It does not take into account the status of the course - so a course can be Complete and Overdue. The field should be set to "no" if the course is complet...
over 1 year ago in Reporting 7 Gathering Interest

Have a report on all overdues

We need a way to view all overdue courses that can be sorted by courses, learners, departments, due dates, managers, etc. This will provide the status on all overdues for the entire company which we monitor regularly. Currently we can only pull ov...
about 2 years ago in Analyze / Analyze Essentials / Reporting 8 Gathering Interest

Please add the ability to adjust the Waitlist Expiration time and keep the waitlist data after expiration

Please add the ability to adjust the Waitlist Expiration functionality. It's not ideal the Waitlist expire 24-hours prior to the Session start time. We should have control to manage the expiration time settings for waitlist. It would be nice to be...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 7 Gathering Interest

Send Assessment Results to Learners

In order to review an assessment with learners, they need to see how they answered the questions and whether those answers were incorrect. There is no way to send an individual answer report (answered, correct/incorrect, etc) to the learner and th...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience / Reporting 4 Gathering Interest