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Make text response boxes resizable

When learners need to type in a text response, the text box isn't resizable - only the box around the text box. Which looks silly, and doesn't help anyone. Can we please resize the input box?
about 1 year ago in Create 0

Create Download PowerPoint

Be able to download the powerpoint as a template so content experts can update with their changes or add/delete items and then be able to upload it again with the changes. Saves time and easier to share. Currently created a template for powerpoint...
about 2 years ago in Create 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Expand the Timeline for editing objects on screen

Right now, all you can see is one timeline with a dot to mark that an object is there. We request to expand this to allow the creator to see and edit the layers of objects on the slide, allowing them to: Identify which object is where on the timel...
over 1 year ago in Create 0

Workspace Management functionality

Workspace Management functionality will support the copy/transfer of Workspace content (Courses and Media Library) across different Absorb Create accounts. This functionality will support scenarios where Create accounts need to be merged in additi...
9 months ago in Create 0

Display the transcript next to and not over the slide

Our suggestion : With a click of a button, the course will show the narration script on the side instead of covering what is being presented in the course.
over 2 years ago in Create 1

Bookmarks: Types and Time Specificity

Hello Absorb Create! I would love to see an option to make a "permanent"/ hidden bookmark that is different from the general bookmarks that the learner can view. I would also love to be able to use a more specific time option around the bookmarks ...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Create 0

Customize quizzes

The quiz in create format does not match the format we created in create. To make it look more streamlined I would like to be able to customize the colors, size, shapes etc...
about 2 years ago in Create 0 Reviewed

Make the Pick Many activity a required hotspot check in

A few clients have requested the ability to create a hotspot activity in which the user MUST click all the hotspots in order to continue. In testing, the best way to replicate this is with the Pick Many knowledge check question. Add several button...
over 2 years ago in Create 4

Improve the ease of use for editing text and fonts, please!
over 2 years ago in Create 0

Absorb Create: Image editor (flip, rotate, colour hue)

It would be really helpful to add the ability to edit basic functions of an image within a shape or on a slide. For example, the ability to flip horizontally, vertically or rotate an image. At present, I have to edit the image outside of Create us...
over 1 year ago in Create 2 Currently Available