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Core LMS

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Option to auto-enroll X days from hire date

I have come across several opportunities where having the ability to set up auto enrollments with a delay of a certain amount of days would be extremely helpful. With many clients new users do not yet have a work email when they are added to the p...
11 months ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Add new releases to Sandbox for testing before release to production.

Before adding releases to production, would it be possible to add to the Sandbox for Admins to view the features and perform any validation that they may need to perform and to allow them to assess what impact these changes may have to them. Other...
11 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

ILCs: option to add a physical AND a virtual venue to choose from

We have ILC sessions with participants present on site, but we also want to offer remote participants a way to join the same sessions. Therefore we think it makes sense to have the option to offer 2 different venues for the same ILC session; a phy...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 6 Reviewed

2 Character Search

This actually cripples us. Our product lines are things such as "BX", "LX", "M7" etc. As a global company we love the system BUT our user's search results return no results. We've co-investigated this feature with Absorb directly but it's controll...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Currently Available

Add Custom Fields to Courses

It would be helpful if custom fields could be added to Courses, Curriculums, ILC's and Course Bundles and those fields could be used in Reports
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 9 Reviewed

Export and Import Question Banks

The ability to export and import Question Banks in the LMS would reduce the overhead required to plan and then input changes for questions
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 17 Low Probability of Delivery

Make the sidebar in the learner view adjustable

The sidebar in the learner view should be adjustable. It's too narrow to read most of the lesson or module titles because they get cut off, making it harder for the learner to know where they are in the course and to navigate/jump around. Also, it...
8 months ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Curriculum Status

We have various curricula which contain courses that must be completed annually. I have the courses set with auto re-enrollment 1 year from completion, but once that timeframe comes and the user receives the enrollment email and logs into Absorb t...
6 months ago in Curriculum 3 Unreviewed

New File Manager: Navigation to the file manager from the menu

We need to access the file manager from the main menu, rather than through the Course Edit page. This was the navigation in the previous iteration of the file manager.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Reviewed

Allow re-enrollment if absent

If a user is absent from a class that only allows enrollment in a single session, the absence should remain on their transcript while allowing re-enrollment.
6 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed