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Core LMS

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Export transcript to excel

Would like to export user transcripts to excel rather than just printing pdf. Would also like to choose multiple users, or groups, or departments.
8 months ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Rolling Auto-Enrollment

To whom it may concern, We have a core set of compliance modules that staff are required to take on an annual basis. These modules are in curriculums that are assigned on a yearly basis. We would like to set up a rolling auto enrollment that would...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 13 Currently Available

Customizable User-Specific Messages for Enhanced Course Communication Efficiency

Within the Messages section of a course, we should be able to create custom messages for each user type we can choose from (learner, admins, supervisor). This will significantly improve the communication efficiency. For example, using the enrollme...
8 months ago in Admin Experience 0

Move Course Uploads to Learning Objects

The whole process for course uploads in the learner experience is unclear and it takes too much explanation to use as currently built. Course Uploads should be added as a Learning Object so that it's right in the flow of the course content instead...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 4 Low Probability of Delivery

Notify Reviewers when an Observation Checklist is completed

Reviewers are notified when a learner is ready, but there is no option for Reviewers to be notified when an observation checklist is completed. Overall, visibility into Observation Checklists is needed as you don't know if another reviewer started...
over 2 years ago in Observation Checklist Lessons / Reviewer Experience 0 Reviewed

Disable sending of Course Upload Notifications when approval is required

Add the ability to Disable sending of Course Upload Notifications when approval is required.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Provide more course details when enrolling users in a course

When enrolling a user (or users) in a course using the Add Courses/Select Courses window, it would be helpful to display more than just the course title in the selection window. At a minimum, it would help to know if the course is an online course...
over 3 years ago in Online Courses 1

Allow uploads to be graded / New Assignment Learning Object

We need a way of grading and giving feedback to user's submitted assignments. For example, a student has been set an assignment i.e. a task. They download the Word document from an online course from either an 'object' learning object or from a Re...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1

Video player time remaining should adjust for playback speed

The video player should display the number of minutes remaining at the current playback speed instead of persisting the time remaining at 1x. This disconnect can be confusing to users. PS: OUR USERS LOVE THE PLAYBACK SPEED CONTROL! THANK YOU!!
about 1 month ago in Video Lessons 0

Site template by group

I would love if we could also get site templates by group as well. For example, we want all managers to see a slightly different UI than employees, but we can't do this at the moment because they are in the same departments as the employees and do...
about 1 month ago in Learner Experience 0