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Core LMS

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ability to designate proxy managers for other admins for Manager Experience features

It would be great if system admins (or some configurable level of admin) could manually designate "proxy" managers for other manager role users. For example, a CRO currently can see top down who is doing (or not doing what) and enroll any of those...
over 1 year ago in Manager Experience 1 Reviewed

Business Days

When creating ILC sessions that have recurring days, it would be helpful to have the option to only select business days. For example, when I create a session that starts on Tuesday, and it will recur every day until Monday, I have to create one s...
8 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Bulk Upload Quiz Questions

It would be a good feature to add 150 or more questions on LMS using single file (Excel or CSV). It will reduce a lot of work of manually adding quiz questions.
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

Register your interest

It would be really useful for learners to be able to 'register their interest' in courses. So rather than add themselves to a waitlist, as there has to be a session scheduled, if we don't have any dates scheduled they can register their interest a...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Easy way to bulk/mass download External Training files

We have 100s of users who did an external elearning course on Travel Security. They have all uploaded them individually to the External Training area. They should have been added to a course, as a course certificate upload, so we could report on t...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2

Nudge emails for already enrolled learners

Nudge emails rules can't be adjusted for already enrolled learners. We need the ability to edit the nudge rules (start date, frequency, etc) as leadership requests adjustments at times. We can't use a one-size fits all option here and would prefer...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0

Allow learners to Join ILC sessions hosted with the Teams Integration from MS Teams

When using the Absorb Teams Integration for Virtual Classroom Integrations, we would like our learners to be able to join the meeting directly from their MS Teams Application. Currently they need to copy and paste the meeting URL to join the call ...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Integration 3 Reviewed

Add roles as an option to assign groups or courses

Currently, there is no option to set up assignments or groups using roles. For example, a group of our admins require a different level of communication and visibility within the system. It would simplify how we manage this communication if we cou...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Option to add a 'Blank Answer' that can be manually marked in an Assessment

Right now you are required to provide an answer when creating a "Text" question in an Assesment. It would be nice to have the option to manually grade the employees open-ended answer to a question.
over 3 years ago in Assessment Lessons / Create 5 Reviewed

Can we add a "Resubmission Required" option to course uploads - in the manage course upload section?

Can we add a "Resubmission Required" option to course uploads - in the manage course upload section? Currently, reviewers/admins can only mark uploads as "Pass" or "Fail." It would be beneficial to introduce a "Resubmission Required" status, allow...
about 1 month ago in Online Courses 0