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Add an optional instructor field to online courses

For online courses, there is currently no option to add an instructor. I would like to add the instructor for each online course for multiple reasons, but there is no ability to do this. Adding an instructor field: Enables the instructor to show u...
over 1 year ago in Online Courses 2

Show Collaborations Description in the Collaboration

Show the collaboration description in the actual collaborations. Right now I only see the description from the Collaborations report on the admin view.
about 1 year ago in Collaborations 0

Please add the ability for an Admin to add, remove or move learners to and from the waitlist

Please add the ability for an Admin to add, remove or move learners to and from the waitlist. Support says this is not a functionality of the product at this time.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2

Allow multiple tracks of audio within course

I would like to be able to do a voiceover during a course while still having an audio track in the background.
over 2 years ago in Create 1

Why do I need 3 accounts to use Absorb

My organization's Absorb portal, the support site, and now this portal require different logins. It would really simplify things if it was just one account.
over 3 years ago in Core LMS / Platform 0

Retain session information for inactive users and allow for multiple course selection

ILC Activity reports should allow for multiple course selections. Also, they should include which sessions users were enrolled in. Currently, inactive users show as "no session selected" and therefore sessions start dates are empty. We are require...
over 3 years ago in Reporting 2 Reviewed

Observation Checklists | Allow Admin to Complete

For checklists that might have happened on paper or outside the system, allow the admin to mark as complete to remove the learner from "Ready to Review". Additionally allow to over ride completion date for a checklist to properly reflect completions.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Reviewed

Allow users to REpurchase on behalf of others

We love the addition of the "repurchasing" functionality along with the "purchase on behalf of others" checkbox on the shopping cart page. We're requesting that these two features be combined to allow users to repurchase course on behalf of others...
12 months ago in eCommerce 0 Reviewed

Add "Not Enrolled" reporting option for curricula, courses, and sessions.

Currently, Analyze is only reporting on active enrollments. We would like to report on users who are not enrolled in a course. For example, if a user is enrolled in a curriculum, we would like to see the user's status of all courses within that cu...
almost 3 years ago in Analyze 5 Currently Available

Re-enrollment requires purchase

this used to be a setting based on documentation. If we have a course that has ecommerce, and the learner is scheduled to take it again we set allow for re-enrollment rules. that re-enrollment bypasses ecommerce. Obviously if we charge them for th...
about 3 years ago in eCommerce / Learner Experience 4 Currently Available