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Add Admin Visibility Rules to Groups

This will limit the admin view of groups to only the admins in their parent department and sub departments. As an enterprise client we need to give access to create and manage groups to our company admins however if you have access to create and m...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 7 Currently Available

Back Button when in My Courses

We would love a back button attend to the My Courses section. Once a user is in their course, there is no back. They have to go back to the menu, and select My Courses again to go back into it. This makes it very difficult for our end users. For e...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Report showing approval/denial

When our learners complete the online portion of training, they require approval from their manager to attend the ILC portion. Before the LMS, the manager filled out a form and emailed it to the course admin. To automate the process, we switched t...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 3 Unreviewed

Support chapter markers in video player

Chapter markers are an easy and standard way to allow viewers to jump right to the part of a video they want to watch. The absorb video play does not seem to support these. This would be a huge user improvement and save content creators having to ...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Text to Speech

It would be useful to have a text to speech function, particularly if you could select the text to speech function to only read certain sections of the training course or assessment. Current text to speech software reads the whole webpage which ca...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

External Training - Template Drop Down

It would be helpful to track the training for external training, if the user could select from a drop down of external training templates. For example, I could build out several templates with different names like Safety, Professional Development,...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 4 Unreviewed

BizLibrary Content - Mobile Enabled

BizLibrary content is mobile enabled but does not play on the app. This is a very poor user and admin experience. We are constantly telling people to switch to the web browser to play the content or we cannot "turn on" the mobile functionality. An...
over 3 years ago in Mobile App 5 Currently Available

Complete Lesson(s) Within Online Course to Mark Completion

If you set up a curriculum, you can create groups and add online courses and then mark the minimum number of courses that must be completed within that group. I'd like to see the same functionality at the course level, but with chapters/lessons/le...
almost 2 years ago in Online Courses 2 Unreviewed

Link to course from courses page

Similar to the ability to impersonate a user, I would find it helpful to have a button when I'm inside a course (editing it) to open the course on the learner side. This would help me "see" it and ensure it's setup how I want it to be setup as wel...
10 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Broader items to be found within search bar

It would be nice to have broader items to be searched and found. Sometimes the tagged item is not found when my department is looking for a course or resource specifically.
6 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed